Search Result For"Constantine"

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/ˈkɒnstəntaɪn, kɒnstəntiːn/


History: This is a masculine and feminine (in French for example) given name and surname which is derived from the Latin name Constantinus, a hypocoristic of the first names Constans and Constantius, both meaning 'constant, steadfast' in Latin. The popularity stems from the eleven Roman and Byzantine emperors, beginning with St. Constantine I (the Great).

Usage: Greece,USA


Steady, Constant

Personality Traits

A Self-reliant, Clever, Unpredictable and Compassionate Person. Most times Willing to Relieve Other's Suffering. An Adaptive Thinker, Unjustifiable Risk Taker, Charismatic and Charming. Most times Fortunate with Riches. An Ingenious, Delightful, Friendly and Loyal Person. Sometimes Abstracted. A Polished, Well-Mannered and Inspiring Person. Most times Acts Lily-livered in the face Challenges. Venturesome Ace, Natural Leader, and Self-assured. Sometimes Conceited. Efficient and Determined. Caring. Diligent Disposition. Displays Exaggerated Emotions for Due Advantage. A Positively Energetic and Lovey-dovey Person with Affinity for Religion. Sometimes Gullible. An Admirably Social, Naturally Creative and Insatiably Curious Person. Sporadically Envious.

Other Forms: Konstantine Constantin Konstantinos Kostis Kostas