Sign up or Sign in
Gain access to the Names Lexicon Advertorial platform by signing up with your email or by using your Names Lexicon signed-up user details to log in.
Select your Advertorial Preference
You can choose to be a publisher using the ad link provided to earn by promoting ads on your platforms or by placing ads to promote your brand and business.
Choose your Ad campaign
For placing ads, click on Campaigns to add a new campaign and post your ads. You have the option of selecting a Text Graphic or a Banner.
Add Banners and Ads to for approval
Click on the ads or banner buttons to fill in your advertorial details for display so that it can be reviewed by our advetorial team before it is approved as an advert on the Names Lexicon platform.
Measure and review your ad performances
Upon approval, your Names Lexicon advertising campaign is live! Now it’s time to see how your ads are performing after funding your ad wallet. You can access your analytics by visiting Campaign Menu to view the statistics for each campaign active.