Search Result For"Fernando"
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History: Spanish and Portuguese: from a Germanic personal name composed of a metathesized form of frið 'peace' (or farð 'journey', 'expedition') + nanð 'daring', 'boldness'.This family name is also found in western India, where it was taken by Portuguese colonists.
Usage: France,Italy, Spain, and Switzerland
Courageous, Adventurer, Conqueror, and Bold.
Personality Traits
A Self-reliant, Clever, Unpredictable and Compassionate Person. Most times Willing to Relieve Other's Suffering. A Mild-mannered and Affectionate Person who Occasionally Retreats in Disposition. Most times Responsible and Committed. Efficient and Determined. Caring. Diligent Disposition. Displays Exaggerated Emotions for Due Advantage. A Naturally Benevolent, Laid-back and Realistic Person. Most times Irascible. Venturesome Ace, Natural Leader, and Self-assured. Sometimes Conceited. An Admirably Social, Naturally Creative and Insatiably Curious Person. Sporadically Envious. An Astute, Well-adjusted, and Resolute Minded Person. Sometimes Rigid and Unyielding.
Other Forms: Frederico florentino and Francisco