Get Rewarded on Names Lexicon with the Lexi earnings Opportunity.

Rack up lexi point for Cash rewards for every Name that is added.

Unlock other streams of Income on
Names Lexicon Today.

Imagine having more time to spend with friends and family and traveling anywhere you want or you remain in the comfort of your home, or you just looking for a cool way to relax.

Names Lexicon is the place to have fun filling in New Names to earn Lexi Points.

The best part? You don’t need to be an expert to get started.
Even as a beginner, you can start earning for every New Name you add to the Names Lexicon Platform which amounts to cash rewards (where terms and conditions apply).

How much do I get for my Lexi Points?

For every New Name that gets added, approved, and published
on the Names Lexicon Platform, you will be rewarded with 7 Lexi Points
and for every 5000 Lexi points accumulated, the user is rewarded with 10 dollars.

How do I earn my Lexi Points ?


Sign up or Sign in (Register for the Premium account to have Premium access to all the Names Lexicon features)


Click on the “Add a Name” button to add new names on your user dashboard.


For every name provided with its accurate details, after it has been vetted and approved, you get 7 Lexi points.


However, Lesser Lexi points might be awarded for each name depending on the accuracy of the information provided.

How about Names Lexicon Publisher’s AD links?

  •  Names Lexicon provides publishers of websites and Blogs with Ad links to serve as an alternative source of income to website owners.
  •  Publishers can make use of the ad link provided when they sign up to the ad platform on Names Lexicon to earn by promoting these ad links on their websites.

Sign up today to become a Publisher.

What do you Stand to Gain As a Publisher on Names Lexicon?

  •   To Earn Revenue via advertising via the ad links
  •  You get to own and control digital contents properly
  •  You can also create New ads to promote your brands, businesses and services.

All the best in you Lexi Earnings Journey.